God of war II – Platinum – PS2
I God of War II på PS2 måste Kratos färdas till världens ände, kämpa mot mytologiska figurer från den grekiska mytologin och ändra det som ingen dödlig eller gud någonsin kunnat ändra – hans eget öde.
Använd nya förödande förmågor, mäktig magi och vedervärdiga vapen.
Taking his rightful place on Mount Olympus as the new God of War, Kratos continues his brutal odyssey striking down those that stand in his way.
Encountering Atlas, Icarus, Pegasus and a host of other mythological creatures, Kratos rages through battle after bloody battle, fiercely determined to alter that which no god nor mortal has ever changed before ? his own hellish fate.
The story picks up where players last left off with Kratos. Sitting atop his throne on Olympus, Kratos, the once mortal warrior has become a threat far worse than his predecessor Ares, had ever been. Kratos is a ruthless God, whose wrath strikes down anyone who crosses his path or the path of his beloved Sparta. The “Ghost of Sparta” sets out to alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed, his fate. Kratos’ journey brings him to the very edge of the Earth, facing countless beasts, monsters, and horrors from his previous life, all bent on preventing him from reaching his goal. But this is Kratos, and his defiance is filled with such arrogance and contempt that all of the Ancient World still trembles at his name: Kratos, the God of War.
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