Begagnad europeisk Classics- och Best sellers-utgåva av äventyrsspelet Fable II till Xbox 360
I Fable II på Xbox 360 har världen Ablion har blivit större och du kan helt skräddarsy din spelstil. Utforska grottor, slott och vidsträckta landskap utan några begränsningar! Här kan spelarna tränga djupare in än i något tidigare spel och uppleva hur världen påverkas av deras egna val.
Tack vare det nya spännande dynamiska läget för samarbete erbjuder spelet flerspelarinslag. Välj kön på din rollfigur, gift dig, skaffa barn, köp saker och fastigheter, skaffa husdjur och bli din egen lyckas smed.
- Choices, consequences. The innovative gameplay pioneered in the original “Fable” provided gamers with a never-before-seen level of immersion in a truly interactive world. “Fable 2” expands upon the scope and depth of the Xbox classic by adding incredible new features and creating a wider, more complex kingdom of limitless choices and consequences. Players will have the option to play as a man or woman, get married, have children, and live a life of their own design.
- A land far, far away. Revisit the sprawling world of Albion more than 500 years after the events of the original “Fable” where you are free to explore the landscape and openly roam the countryside. For the right price every house, hut, dungeon and castle is for sale. Players can witness how the world grows and changes in response to their decisions in incredible and unique ways as they rediscover Albion as if for the first time.
- Fight with ease. Fable 2 pioneers a new combat system designed to allow players to truly master hand weapons such as swords and maces, ranged combat weapons such as bows and guns, and an entirely new magic system. These three disciplines, while very accessible, are also amazingly deep, and allow players to mix combat styles and become everything from master swordsman to skilled ranger to evil magic welder, utilizing a single button on the Xbox 360 controller.
- A hero’s best friend. This groundbreaking addition to the game is integral to the theme of unconditional love in Fable 2. The canine companion will act as friend, compass and protector. Players must merely feed their pooch and he will love unconditionally, creating a bond that sets up emotion-filled journeys all throughout this magical world.
- Experience the world together. For the first time in the “Fable” series, gamers can experience the expansive and immersive world of Fable 2 with friends, utilizing the new and exciting Dynamic Co-op Mode, bringing the long-awaited multiplayer function to the world of Fable 2.
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